- Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2014) Volume 4, Issue 37
Collagen thin film glucose biosensor
A biosensor is an analytical device, used for the detection of an analyte that combines a biological component with a physicochemical detector. Here the biosensor using chrome shavings, chrome containing leather waste in tannery, based collagen from tannery solid waste is characterized for bio sensing application such as glucose detector. The electrical and electronic characteristics obtained using cyclic voltmeter (CV) reveals, the sensitivity of 2μA/V/gm Zinc oxide nanoparticles and 2 mA/V / 1.5gm. We prepared two solutions of glucose i.e., 3mM and 17 mM. The resulting voltage for concentrations below 4 mM (70mg/dL) hypoglycemic or above 10mM (180mg/dL) is considered to be hyperglycemic respectively. The voltage for these concentrations recorded was 270mV (70 mV/mM) and 860mV (86 mV/mM). After approximately 5 seconds the solution was placed on the ZnO collagen glucose sensor the voltage peaked at 270mV for the 3mM glucose solution and 860mV for the 17mM glucose solution. Thus, using the byproduct of tanning industry, a biosensor can be fabricated for biomedical application.
Author(s): Senthil R, Inbasekaran S, Sastry ST