Case Report - Biomedical Research (2021) Volume 0, Issue 0
Clear cell lung carcinoma: A case report and a literature review
Clear cell carcinoma in lung is an extremely rare subtype of lung tumors; first described by Liebow and Castle man in 1963 and since only 60 cases have been reported in the literature. CCLC (Clear cell lung carcinoma) was considered by the 2011 WHO classification of lung tumors as a rare cytologic feature of squamous cell or adenocarcinomas. We describe a rare case of a clear cell tumor of the lung, in a 63 year-old male patient, and a brief literature review. The main of this presentation is to emphasize the importance of a multidisciplinary approach including pathologists, oncologists and radiologists to confirm the diagnosis as well for an adequate therapeutic management of this unusual entity of lung cancer.
Author(s): Darif K, Zouitten O, El Hazzaz R, Gozali N , Amaadour L, Oualla K, El Mâ??rabet FZ, Benbrahim Z, Arifi S, Mellas N