- Biomedical Research (2013) Volume 24, Issue 1
Case Report: Potential Speciation in Humans Involving Robertsonian Translocations.
Approximately one person in 1,000 is a Robertsonian translocation carrier. This type of translocation most likely arises during egg (or more rarely sperm) formation. Most Robertsonian translocation carriers are healthy and have a normal lifespan, but do have an increased risk of pregnancy loss and children with trisomies. We have found a Robertsonian translocation family, one of them who came from a consanguinous marriage has the previously undescribed balanced human karyotype 44,XY,der(14;15)(q10;q10), der(14;15)(q10;q10). Many such rearrangements in natural populations of different species are known. It is well-known that the fitness of rob translocation carries is reduced, but rob translocation can provide material for evolution.
Author(s): Bo Wang , Yanzhi Xia, Jieping Song, Weipeng Wang,Yanping Tang