Ophthalmology Case Reports

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Research Paper - Ophthalmology Case Reports (2022) Volume 6, Issue 7

Caruncular lipodermoid cyst, case report.

Choristomas, which are defined as normal tissue growth in an inappropriate position, include ocular lipodermoid cysts and solid dermoid tumors. Adipose tissue is covered by connective tissue in congenital epibulbar lipodermoid. They're frequently seen super temporally, and they don't usually affect the peripheral cornea. if the dermoid or lipodermoid is accompanied by other systemic disorders or ocular defects in young children, we must rule out Goldenhar syndrome, which is an oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia. This research describes healthy adult female, with unilateral lipodermoid cyst of a unique caruncular etiology and mullerian agenisis.

Author(s): Kosar Ali Rashid

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