Editorial - Journal of Clinical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2017) Volume 1, Issue 1
Brief note on regular techniques in phytochemistry
Determination of biological metabolites is serious of analytical process to researchers in the field of biological sciences. In this context, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a draft of Guidance for Industry to the synthesis and produce bioactive substances and drugs. According to this guidance, before a drug can be legally marketed, its spectroscopic or chromatographic fingerprints and chemical assay of characteristic markers are required. Because of the complex nature of a typical drug and the lack of knowledge of its active constituent(s), the FDA may rely on a combination of tests and controls to ensure the identity, purity, quality, strength, potency, and consistency of natural bioactive compounds and drug-like candidates. It is well known, approximately the plants are a bio-synthesized wide range of around 2,00,000 metabolites. The chemical composition and biomedical potential of various coastal and traditional plants were reported.
Author(s): Selvaraj G, Kaliamurthi S