- Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2014) Volume 4, Issue 37
Biochemical characterization of Molecular Markers for Human Genetic Identification in Paternity testing by DNA profiling
Human Genome is made of 3 billion nucleotide bases Adenine A, Cytosine C, Thymine T and Guanine G. The DNA sequencing infers the order of nucleotides in the genome. The regions of genome having variation in the sequence are crucial for human genetic identification. The molecular markers of 15 different genomic regions of human with repeat nucleotides sequence of 4 bases in the non-coding regions of genome exhibit a high degree of polymorphism. The biochemical characterization of molecular markers elucidates the chromosomal location of the marker, sequence of repeat units and variation among the individuals for human identification in forensic investigation and genetic inheritance. The 15 molecular markers were analysed for human identification in a mother, child and father trio. The STR loci were amplified by PCR using AmpFlSTR Identifiler Plus PCR amplification kit. The amplified markers were separated through capillary electrophoresis on Applied Biosystems Genetic Analyzer ABI 3100 as per the manufactures instructions. The data was analysed by GeneMapper v3.5 software. The statistical analysis was performed using Bayesian mathematics using in house allele frequency data. The paternity index and probability of paternity were 206759811 and 0.999999999. The DNA test conducted on the samples of mother, child and father trio convincingly established the paternity of the child by perfect match of sequence variation short tandem repeats STR genotypes of the genome with the biological parents. The paternity index of molecular markers and probability of paternity in the human identification are very high. The results of examination of 15 molecular markers with their biochemical characterization conclusively establish the genetic identification.
Author(s): Negi DS, Shrivastava P, Das SP